Ellis Lader

Mt Rainier Flowers © Mt Shuksan ©

Step by step © Early spring pond ©

Artist statement

As for the bio, let's see, overcoming adversity as he was raised by a gang in the south Bronx. . .no . . .dashing defenseman for the NYU hockey team, he gave up his NHL draft position. . . no. . .

Ellis Lader was raised in a home where his father's vocation was the fine arts, filling their Bronx apartment with stacks of canvases and piles of sculpture. He pursued the sciences in his academic career, however, ultimately choosing medicine and specializing in cardiology.

Although he maintains an active practice in cardiology and continues to teach and publish commentaries and original research, he maintains close ties to the arts and nature, necessary to maintain a sense of equilibrium in the chaotic world in which we live. He is an active backpacker and gardener, and in his watercolors and photographs, looks both to items on a grand scale and a tiny scale, aiming to keep ourselves and our importance in perspective!

He finds an outlet in both the fine arts and performing arts, taking classes in classical piano and classical ballet, and is performing with the Catskill Ballet Theatre. He recently had poetry published by the New York University Master Scholars Program. He acknowledges the importance of his parents and his upbringing surrounded by art and culture in his overall artistic development.

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